My name is Carrie. I am a mother to five children who all live at home with me and range in age from 4 years old to 20 years old. I've been a Christian forever, lol. I got my start with the Children's Bible Story Books that my mom used to get and read to me. Thanks to her, I always knew about God. We prayed before I went to school while standing at the bus stop and feeding the chickadees out of our hands.
I became a true, baptised, born again believer when I was 18 years old in Arizona at Squaw Lake. I was not baptized by a pastor, just some good, Christian friends who wanted my to be sealed before leaving the state and them behind. Some may say this is not a true baptism. But, God knows our hearts and He knows and does consider me to be a baptised, born again daughter of God.
Now, this may all sound like my life has always been filled with God, but that is not exactly the case. My life has been an interesting conglomeration of events which have let me to dance with God like a moth with a flame. Except for the fact that when I came closer, everything was right and when I fluttered away on my own, I got burned.
My Christian walk has been two steps forward and three steps back sometimes. I've messed up in very big ways, have been stubborn and butted heads with my Father, had knock down, drag out fights with Him... and yet, He has always loved me. Unconditionally. Constantly. Totally and Faithfully.
I've been put down by the world, beaten, crushed but never broken. Only by God's Grace. I am not someone that appears to be this 'perfect' person. People may not even give me a second glance. But, my Father adores me. He has allowed certain situations to happen in my life to enable me to help others who may be having those types of problems. And believe me, if you have an issue, I've probably had it too!
Abuse? Yup Divorce? Yup. Children out of wedlock? Yup. Alcohol or drug usage? Yup. Promiscuity? Yup. Depression? Yup. Lack of self-esteem? Yup, again. Poverty? Homelessness? Yup.
Disappointments? Embarrassments? Health Issues? Yes, Yes Yes. Disabilities? Yeah, them too. People prosecuting you or judging you for no reason? Absolutely.
See, I'm a real person. I will never be perfect. Not until I go home to be with Jesus. I will never pretend that just because I am a daughter of the King, I am an absolute authority on everything while secretly living a life in which sin still abounds. Guess what? Sin still abounds. As long as we are on this earth we will struggle with it in whatever form it may come.
Am I filled with the Holy Spirit and does He help me at all times. Yes and If I let Him. I'm still a person. I still stubbornly refuse to listen sometimes. I still can't see the forest for the trees sometimes. I still mess up. Daily. Hourly, sometimes.
But, we have an awesome and loving and understanding God. He knows my heart. And though I may get off track, He knows he is my heart.
Being a transparent Christian, to me, is allowing people to see that they are not alone. Christians are not loved any more than the lost. The lost should be loved more, so that they can see the Truth and be set Free! God does love sinners. He loves me, that shows it's a fact. He sent His Son for us while we were sinners, not after we had come to believe.
Hopefully, seeing my struggles, successes, achievements and failures as well as the Grace the Lord has shown to me will encourage someone.
That is the purpose of this blog.
May God Bless You And Keep You,